Cinema Fiasco

Hosts Geoff Wallis and Janet A. McLeod have been extolling the virtues of bad films for a very long time and their expertise on such important cinematic subjects as dodgy direction, rotten writing, awful acting and second-rate special effects is unrivalled. Reviewers have sung their praises – calling them “two divinely unhinged film buffs” and “the Margaret and David of bad movies”. If you’ve seen their shows, it’s likely you’ve already stopped reading this nonsense and made a booking. But if you haven’t, what are you waiting for? “Almost two hours of non-stop hilarity”, raved one critic. “A truly unique film-going experience”, rhapsodised another. “Chock full of inappropriate humour”, panted a third. “The comedy is top-notch” drooled a fourth. Book now. You won’t be sorry. Shocked and appalled maybe, but not sorry.

Please note: Cinema Fiasco screenings are accompanied throughout by live commentary. If you want to see these movies without commentary, do it at home where no-one can see you.

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