Best F(r)iends: Volume 2

WEDNESDAY - Tickets on sale below

See the thrilling conclusion of the Sestero-Wiseau saga! Plus Greg Sestero returns to Nova for a Q&A, live in cinema.

Picking up where the first volume left off, BEST F(R)IENDS: VOLUME 2 brings the saga to a satisfying close. Jon (Sestero) is on the run across the American Southwest, where he meets an array of wild and amazing characters and finds himself in ever-stranger situations…which go a long way in giving a better handle on the reality he’s fleeing. Of course there’s still one more encounter and one last reckoning to bring this strange journey full circle. Building on the brilliant and indescribable energy of VOLUME 1, BEST F(R)IENDS: VOLUME 2 is the best of Greg Sestero and Tommy Wiseau distilled into pure ecstasy: charming, unexpected, dramatic, dark, and above all, endlessly entertaining. With this much-anticipated conclusion, the duo reaffirm their immense popularity once more, connecting with the audience in ways that most films will never manage.
Rating CTC
Genre To Be Advised
Running Time 94
Show Times

Session times for the new cinema week, commencing each Thursday, will be released the Tuesday afternoon prior

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