Preparations to Be Together...

Straight out of MIFF to our screens comes PREPARATIONS TO BE TOGETHER FOR AN UNKNOWN PERIOD OF TIME, a Hungarian drama selected as the nation’s official entry into this year’s Academy Awards.

Márta (Natasa Stork), a Hungraian neurosurgeon working in the United States, decides spontaneously to return to Budapest after meeting the love of her life at a conference. The problem? The aforementioned love of her life has no idea who she is. Seeking out the man she pursued, János (Viktor Bodó), and finding him with seemingly no memory of their time together, Márta is gripped by a mystery that soon consumes her. Writer/director Lili Horvát paints an intriguing portrait of love and obsession in her psych-romance that explores the edges of desire and the mind, that unfolds as a slow-burn, keeping you guessing until the very end.

Some Hungarian language with English subtitles.
Rating M
Genre Drama
Running Time 95
Show Times

Session times for the new cinema week, commencing each Thursday, will be released the Tuesday afternoon prior

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