Road to Patagonia, The

A stunning and unflinching series of love letters within a documentary; firstly a love between two people and, secondly, between humanity and the Earth.
Ecologist Matty Hannon is on an incredible solo adventure to surf the west coast of the Americas by motorbike, from the top of Alaska to the tip of Patagonia. After losing everything and on the cusp of quitting he meets the girl of his dreams, a permaculture farmer named Heather Hillier who throws caution to the wind and sells her urban-farm to buy a bike of her own.
The 50,000km surfing odyssey becomes beautifully complicated by their decision to downshift from motorcycles to horseback, presenting a relational approach to the breathtaking landscapes and a host of challenges that ultimately become extremely rewarding.
Hannon and Hillier succeed in beautifully capturing deeply human moments during the world-first expedition, and the noticeable lack of camera-crew becomes THE ROAD TO PATAGONIA’s strength. The theme of deep ecology underpins the entire film, visually communicated through exquisite cinematography.
Rating | M |
Genre | Documentary |
Running Time | 97 |
Language |
Session times for the new cinema week, commencing each Thursday, will be released the Tuesday afternoon prior