
30TH ANNIVERSARY! Close to retirement, detective Somerset (Morgan Freeman) is tackling one final case with the newly transferred Mills (Brad Pitt). Young and naïve, Mills reflects a side of policing far from Somerset’s considered and thorough approach to the role. When the pair begin investigating a string of gruesome murders, they soon discover the killings are all linked, and that they’re dealing with a serial killer targeting people that he believes represent the seven deadly sins.

A box office hit in its year of release, SE7EN has endured as masterpiece of neo-noir cinema and one of Fincher’s best works.

Commences Thursday, 10 Apr 2025
Rating R18+
Genre Thriller
Running Time 127
Show Times
Thursday, 10th April
Friday, 11th April
Saturday, 12th April
Sunday, 13th April
Wednesday, 16th April

Session times for the new cinema week, commencing each Thursday, will be released the Tuesday afternoon prior

New & Noteworthy
Closed Caption eNews Minster Fest Anniversary Party Double Feature Sundays met First Nations Acknowledgement