TFF: 8 Billion Angels

Introduction before screening

Global warming, food and water shortages, catastrophic storms, extinction of species, plant and animal habitat loss; the list of environmental and economic catastrophes afflicting our planet in greater frequency and severity, goes on and on. 8 Billion Angels refocuses our global emergencies and provides real solutions to steer us on the path to lasting sustainability and prosperity for the earth and all its inhabitants.

8 BILLION ANGELS connects the dots between the symptoms of multiple global environmental crises with their fundamental cause - overpopulation and highlights how humanity's current demand for resources vastly exceeds nature's ability to supply them.

With passion, humility, and honesty, experts explain the indisputable connection between our environmental catastrophes, unsustainable population and increasing consumption.

8 BILLION ANGELS takes the audience across the world, weaving together the voices of people around the world as they confront the growing impact of overpopulation on their lives and provides real solutions to steer us on the path to lasting sustainability and prosperity for the earth and all of its inhabitants.
Rating E
Genre To Be Advised
Running Time 80
Show Times

Session times for the new cinema week, commencing each Thursday, will be released the Tuesday afternoon prior

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