
RESTORATION! Original Theatrical Cut re-release! Ridley Scott’s ambitious modern classic blends science fiction, horror and groundbreaking special effects with a star-making performance by Sigourney Weaver.

In the distant future the crew of the commercial starship Nostromo are awakened from cryo-sleep by a distress beacon. Obliged to investigate it's source, they discover the hive of an unknown creature secreted deep within a crashed spacecraft from another world. When an egg containing an ALIEN parasite hatches and attaches itself to a Nostromo crew member, they make the error of attempting to save him.

Commences Thursday, 24 Apr 2025
Rating MA15+
Genre Sci-Fi
Running Time 117
Show Times
Thursday, 24th April
Saturday, 26th April
Sunday, 27th April

Session times for the new cinema week, commencing each Thursday, will be released the Tuesday afternoon prior

New & Noteworthy
Closed Caption eNews Minster Fest Anniversary Party Double Feature Sundays met First Nations Acknowledgement