Great White Whale, The

MEET THE FILMMAKER: Saturday February 15, 2.50pm. Join filmmaker Michael Dillon for a post-film Q&A.

Deep in the wild Southern Ocean, halfway between Australia and Africa, a snowy volcano nine thousand feet high, rears up from the sea like a great white whale.

It tried to kill the first team that attempted to climb it no less than five times. They returned, through treacherous seas to try again, this time with the legendary skipper Bill Tilman at the helm. This is the gripping tale of both expeditions, told by those that were there. 

Melbourne Documentary Film Festival 2024: Best Local Director. 

Seven International Awards including three Grand Prizes at International Mountain and Adventure Film Festivals. Directed by Michael Dillon. 

Rating PG
Genre Documentary
Running Time 108
Show Times

Session times for the new cinema week, commencing each Thursday, will be released the Tuesday afternoon prior

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