Life of Chuck, The

Winner of the Audience Award for Best Film at the Toronto Film Festival! A life-affirming, genre-bending story based on Stephen King's novella, THE LIFE OF CHUCK details the life of Chuck Kranz, an ordinary accountant, told in reverse: from his death to his birth.

Written and directed by Mike Flanagan (Doctor Sleep, Geralds Game, Haunting of Hill House), THE LIFE OF CHUCK is a story told in three parts, exploring the importance of connection, love, and the self within the impossibly large vastness of life. Dying of cancer, Chuck (Tom Hiddleston) is at the end of his time on earth. As things around him begin to stop making sense, we move backwards through his life to discover the paths he ventured, the ones he chose to ignore, and the experiences that moulded him.

Starring Chiwetel Ejiofor, Karen Gillan, Mark Hamill, Matthew Lillard, David Dastmalchian, Jacob Tremblay, and more, THE LIFE OF CHUCK is a coming of age in reverse, and a beautiful exploration of our place within the universe.

Commences Thursday, 21 Aug 2025
Rating CTC
Genre Drama
Running Time 110
Show Times

Session times for the new cinema week, commencing each Thursday, will be released the Tuesday afternoon prior

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