
MOVIE EPIC! Andrei Tarkovsky directs a landmark sci-fi adventure.

In an unnamed country at an unspecified time, there is a fiercely protected post-apocalyptic wasteland known as The Zone. An illegal guide (Aleksandr Kajdanovsky), whose mutant child suggests unspeakable horrors within The Zone, leads a writer (Anatoliy Solonitsyn) and a scientist (Nikolay Grinko) into the heart of the devastation in search of a mythical place known only as The Room. Anyone who enters The Room will supposedly have any of his earthly desires immediately fulfilled.

Russian language, English subtitles.

Commences Tuesday, 28 Oct 2025
Rating M
Genre Arthouse
Running Time 163
Show Times
Tuesday, 28th October

Session times for the new cinema week, commencing each Thursday, will be released the Tuesday afternoon prior

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Closed Caption eNews Minster Fest Anniversary Party Double Feature Sundays met First Nations Acknowledgement